- Shipping will be done between 5 and 7 business days.
- Orders cannot be cancelled or changed for a different product once they are placed, for any reason. When an order is placed, it is not appreciated to raise concerns about full or partial cancellation.
- If we are unable to process a specific item in your entire order, we will replace it with an item of equal or greater value, provided that the additional cost is covered. We do not issue refunds for any products that we sell, as per company policy. Products can only be exchanged for replacements once they have been sold.
- We bear full responsibility for any harm done to the goods while they are being transported to the buyer. We will not accept requests for returns, refunds, or exchanges for any of its products unless and until damage is discovered before delivery.
- If the products arrive damaged or in poor condition, or if the incorrect product is received, the buyer may request an exchange or replacement. In either scenario, the client must provide our WhatsApp number with a video of them opening the package and providing legitimate identification. To be eligible for a replacement, the buyer must submit a return request within three days of delivery.
- If the damaged product is reshipped by the customer to the address we request within three days of delivery, we will replace, exchange, or refund it, depending on what is practical for us. All that will be offered is a replacement.
- Minimavrick maintains the right to reject the return of any item that you have purchased from us if it is damaged upon delivery, not in its original condition, or appears to have been used. After your order is received, you have three days to notify (number) of any returns, and your products will be shipped out within seven business days. We would expect you to ship the product with all of the original documentation.
- If you cancel your order before the order is shipped, the refund will be issued automatically and the payment will take 5-7 days to reflect in the source account.
- For any assistance, contact us at +91 9500494465 or write to support@minimavrick.com.
- Our address is Mavrick Clothing, KPN Colony, 5th Street , Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, India- 641601 .